"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you
compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all
who wait for him." --Isaiah 30:18 (NIV)
I am the most patient, non-patient person I know. My A-Type personality gets in the way of my best "waiting" intentions. The verse above is good today to take a sweet breath and just lean into Christ and focus more on what he has going on and be grateful for the sparkling glass of half full, not half empty. I know by my own life hopes that the wait can be incredibly hard on a tender heart. I truly think though that there is more valor in smiling and having faith anyway. Waiting expectantly with an open hand of dreams with hopefully more smiles and praise than tears. He is still there though with his hand out to catch each tear and turn it into sparkles of light. God is still more than enough! I hope it inspires as well to all to lean into the real friendship in Christ, be gentle with yourself and hold his hand and wait with a smile as He moves. Be happy, be blessed!
--Image origin is from a European site to be posted once found.