Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hotel Kiki and just some Couch Time

The couch at Hotel Kiki, as my family likes to refer to my home...Smile. No, that is not a dog on the couch, but a pillow. It seems to be a favorite that people like to cozy up to and well, we all need something that makes people feel warm and smile filled. Mine happens to be a pillow that people sit on the couch and just hold. Just comforting I hope.

I have not posted anything for what I see is over a month. Oh my. Where have I been? I am working hard to remedy my time lapse since moving and working long hours over the last while. In the meantime, I am just trying to keep a sense of humor about it all and flow around the rocks of life like a river and making sure I get some sweet talking time with my sweet heavenly daddy (GOD) in the morning and trust all will work it's way through.

Along the way and through the weekends I have been blessed by family and friends that have come to stay here. I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE THAT! There has yet to be a weekend that Hotel Kiki has been vacant which is exactly what I hoped for. I love it that people feel that they can come and just be. I love the cozy that I find in that place with people. Certainly many items are now out of boxes and have found their place neatly in their place, but much has not and I am so OK with that. Admittedly, I have this everything has to be neat and tidy attitude that Cortney Cox portrayed in the character Monica Gellar on the T.V. show "Friends" in me. I love the smell of clean and bleach like my life long kindred friend (You know who you are. She and I like things white and clean! What can I say? smile!). I love having this place perfect, but the company that is kept here and the laughter that surrounds is so much more important to me than of anything tangible or set perfectly. Hard lesson for me, but learning that people need a smile much more than perfectly folded sheets. They must be clean though! So, to all that have come over to share this place with me, thank you. Thank you for finding this place sweet enough in your souls to find a smile, laughter, or some solace here and sink into my couch to find a giggle about whatever with me and feel like this is your place too. Keep on coming because I love having you right here with me!

1 comment:

paige said...

oh what a fun post!
such a treat to see that hospitable side of you, that generous heart that you have, now be able to grow even more now that you're in your own place!
i would love to road trip up there soon.
can't wait to see hotel kiki!
no need to bleach the toilet first-wink!
ps-monica geller?