Smile like you mean it today!
No, this is not a random if you choose to request.
Throwing you some sunshine. Hope you catch it!
Sorry to be so crazy positive, but I woke up with a song in my heart this morning.
I felt like light hit my soul and smiles are everywhere.
No, my circumstances have not changed.
Yes, very painful and challenging in many areas presently.
You would either laugh or cry at each of my situations. But that is all ok, because
people it is life and we all go through hard seasons.
It is how we handle them that makes us true!
The good is that there are these pieces of my life presently that feel color as if someone lifted the rooftop off for the sunshine to come in and it just is good.
I made a decision that I will do no more beige living.
Something in my heart changed, as I woke up this morning.
I think it has been happening for a while. I just had to allow it in.
I had to realize that I can feel light or not be perfect and fall and God will still love me.
I realize I can live in faith and expectancy for good.
The solid kind of good that holds hope!
I realize God can turn any situation for positive. I just have to be ready and smiling.
And just answer Him with a "What can I do this moment with a willing attitude!"
God is well able to make beauty for my ashes and yours too!
Life will be a living testimony to bring light to others. It just will!
Starting right now.
No more sorrowful heart for me.
I am throwing it out the window and letting the sunshine in!

This morning, a song lit up my soul and it was good!
I felt the need to dance, sing and smile. All three my passions in life.
And yes, I danced and sang and smiled and I don't care if you know.
You know you want to sometimes too!
I want to feel what joy and free in my soul feels like and God gave that to me.
Sometimes God doesn't tell us His plan,
because we wouldn't believe it anyway.
- Carlton Pearson
"What is impossible to men is possible with God."
Is there a situation in your life today that seems impossible? As a child of the Most High God, you are not limited by what you see. You are not limited by your circumstances, the economy, or what others say because with God all things are possible! It doesn't matter how it looks in the natural, when you see things through your eyes of faith, you will see new possibilities! You will see the answer is on it's way!
It all starts by having a grateful attitude: an attitude of faith and expectancy. When you declare the promises of God over your life and meditate on His Word, it activates FAITH in your heart. Faith draws good things of God into your life. When you wake up every morning, declare that with God all things are possible. Declare that you are blessed and you cannot be cursed. Declare that you re above only and not beneath. Expect God's favor and blessing in your life every day. As you do, you will see Him move on your behalf, and you'll see new levels of possibility in every area of your life!
It just will happen people. Do you believe it with me?!
Prayer: Father in heaven, thank you for making a way where there seems to be no way. I choose an attitude of faith and expectancy today. Work in my heart and life that I may be a living testimony of Your goodness to those around me. In Jesus' Name.
And all God's children said, AMEN!
Happy Every Second In Your Life Today! I pray that Big for you!
Let the sunshine in your soul. It feels good!
I double dog dare you to try!
Images via cblog and brownbutton
Joy is such a delightful thing. Thanks for sharing yours, and thankyou for your precious comment to me yesterday!
I love all your quotes!
Yes, we must throw off all that hinders us and praise the LORD!
Smiling right back at ya!
Love your every day easy to say prayers! It gives me great joy to give back to those who have given so much to me. Just a simple "Hi" will do on most days. It doesn't take much to jump start this girl!
Have a great sunshiney weekend.
What an inspiring, uplifting post. You KNOW I needed that girlfriend:) See what prayer does.
Let's shake off the old and boldly look to the future with faith...that good things are in store for those that love the Lord, and you know we do!
Have a great weekend:)
Happy day Kristin...so glad you woke up with such a wonderful feeling in your heart, keep that always and reflect when times are tough! Big hugs~ Tara
I absolutely love this post. Thank you for being so positive today and infecting others. God is so good...Thank you for the reminder, which we all need too often :)
You go, Girl!
Nope....no more beige livin' for me either!!
Thank you for your inspiring post!
Kristin! So happy to see this heart change! This has happened for me this weekend too! Everything you've written in this post... So we will skip down the road together not because our problems are gone but because we KNOW that we can TRUST God with them and that He has it all in control! xoxo!
hi Kristin! i just want to say thank you so much for being such an inspiration. you are such a blessing from God. He truly speaks through you. i know you are truly anointed with His spirit. this post was just beautiful and full of inspiration. when i visit your blog it is always a beautiful blessing! God is truly good! keep inspiring us with your beautiful gift.
God Bless,
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