Just sending you all a big bunch of happy!
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile,
a kind word,
a listening ear,
an honest accomplishment,
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential
to turn a life around."
-- Leo Buscaglia
Have a beautiful and smile~filled weekend!
Image via Design Lovely
Oh I love that quote! It is so true.
Have a Happy weekend!
great quote! i hope the same for you!
I really loved that image. Happy weekend to you Kristin.
I haven't thought of Leo Buscaglia for so long! Thank you for the lovely reminder!
you too sweetie
hope you have some fun & smiles planned
I love this picture! So lady like.
I love your blog too....just joining up.
Bless you
Great message! Have a great week!!
Kristen...I just wanted to stop by and let you know what an encouragement you are!! I know that I am not the best blogger, keeping up on that whole world...but I just thought, with this spare moment I had today, that I would let you know you are truly amazing, and inspirational!
have a blessed week!...By the way, great song playin' love it!!
holy cow! You got a comment from my sister??? She doesn't write to anyone! She must truly love your blog! Oh happy day. that's fun! Hope all is well. Another beautiful shot!
Kristin! Think of you often, blog little:) Just feel the warm hug today & know your little nuggets of gold bless me:) Still have an idea to share..........xo!
love this picture!
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