Friday, January 25, 2008

Sending Big HOPE!

My wish for you this weekend. BIG HOPE!
...And something that brings inspirtation to you.

Happy Weekend to you!

Past image I found, in an old file, so when I find out where it came from I will post.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Beautiful

Just something that made me really think and desire to take action! I am so human and realize that fully! I have been trying to learn human communication better and praying about this. Is it a sign when one keeps running across a book by Joyce Meyer called Conflict Free Living?...I should read this! My communication efforts are not working yet and I keep finding myself in situations that leave me defensive, and cursing like a sailor (human!)! Thankfully, I have not had a comeback to my feelings in defense. I am thankful to my people that love me anyway, allow me to be honest about this and give beautiful to my day. They seem to dust me off and stand me up to move forward in grace, beyond my personality that is bold and independent as a lion, yet tender hearted and sensitive to a fault! Somewhere in the mix of those opposites, I pray God can still use this soul of mine...Please God say, yes! Pretty please! I do pray that in the midst of me and in-spite of that fact that God will just use me humbly, boldly in gentleness anyway to give light, hugs, smiles and encouragement, every second for the rest of my life. I pray to really give the world something beautiful! I really hope your Friday beautiful and weekend Happy!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

One Magical Night with My Lulu Pie & Mom!

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
- Audrey Hepburn

My Mom and I took my niece, Peyton Angel Grace (My Lulu Pie) to see Annie at the Fox Theatre last night. You would have thought we handed her a million dollars. On second thought it was as if she had won the HGTV house! She took in every second as if to capture every moment in her memory! She giggled, she sang, she lit up and twinkled over and over like stars in the sky. She shines so big and makes others shine big in her company. She has the optimism of Annie! My desire in life is to enjoy life as much as she does. She skips everywhere she goes! I LOVE that quality in her. It started to rain harder as we skipped and ran on our way, which turned into a twirling Peyton Grace and dancing our way to the car as the sky opened up with and abundance of sweet drops of rain everywhere. She is my great reminder that even the greatest of moments can happen in rain if you take a second to just dance and laugh until your tummy hurts. In this walk, skip, dance to the car, she would not get in the car until my Mom got there. She adores my Mom. The other day she stated to my Mom, "You, Me, FUN!" They have the best time together. As I watched the broadway show, I kept catching myself watching them instead of the show. They twinkle with delight in one another's company! Just wanted to share the magical night with you and remind you to skip, sing and TWIRL in the rain!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

There are two ways to look at life. 
One is as though nothing is a miracle. 
The other is as though 
everything is a miracle. 
Albert Einstein

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Years Resolution

The one resolution, which was in my mind long before it took the form
of a resolution, is the key-note of my life. It is this, always to
regard as mere impertinences of fate the handicaps which were placed
upon my life almost at the beginning. I resolved that they should
not crush or dwarf my soul, but rather be made to blossom, like
Aaron's rod, with flowers.

-- Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer

In short. As far as resolutions go, many are like wishes that float away like blowing bubbles and dissipate quickly. So, I have learned the gift of looking into each moment with a smile and finding joy no matter what. That is the greatest gift of 2007, to find joy when sorrow was quite present. Joy is solid and true and to see that and lean into faith and just trust. This year it would be amazing to make a lifestyle change of extraordinary! To come up alongside God and do something to give back to him. To wish Him a good day, to be grateful. To live a life that matters and remove selfishness and to give the world a big warm hug and a soft place in a heart to land in encouragement. To give back and be part of a greater cause and see God in the midst. It would be so very amazing to be able to look back and see that God worked through this soul as a vessel to make others smile. It be so great to look back at 2008 and see picture images of where time was cherished even in the most insignificant of moments and to truly give him the Glory and send him a big ole blow kiss daily. Peyton Grace and I always make up new blow kisses. We have done this since she was quite young. We have never done one to give to God. That is my new years resolution to find a way to live my life in a way that is constantly sending him sweet Peyton Angel Grace kind of blow kisses with each breath He gives me.
Oh yes...and to work out, eat right, bring those quite dreams to pass, laugh more, but most importantly, get Gods word so written on my heart that those thin pages in that sweet leather bible of mine become even thinner and more highlighted than they were created! Wouldn't that be so great?Amen!
Wishing you more blessings than you can hold and so many giggles that it makes your cheeks hurt!