"What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail"
"Do one thing everyday that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt
Today is a big day, for me at least. I am closing on my first home. Late in life for many my age and a simple task for many, but for me a big deal. I am doing this from saving pennies on my own for a long while, and not from any inheritance, sugar daddy, or money tree, or gift except that of God...although it would be nice to have any of the three...smile. I am stronger from having to do it this way! In all of this I have kept an open hand to God, to place me in a home of His wishes and I promised to serve him in whatever way he wants me to. Like the image above, that is definitely how I have been trying to hear His quiet whisper. With an audible...."God I am listening are you there...insert gentle smile!" I felt him often saying in my heart, focus on the needs of others and serve them and I will work this out for you. So praying that I am diligent in serving. I wish for his will alone in this. I have prayed...sometimes honestly in fear, but work my way back to faith because that is where He wishes my heart to be and works his way in faith. I see in my heart and know that this will push me and grow me. For that opportunity alone is why I am excited about the house. The house will remain always His and I pray that I am a good steward with it as long as he wishes me there...and boldly have said "I would love to pay this off in 5 years!" So, quietly praying boldly all the while that I am making a wise decision and leaving it up to him and my work diligence for this dream and opportunity to work out well....Beautifully.
Mom thank you for just listening over and over and for dusting me off, smiling my way and for just being marshmallow (proud) of me. Thank you for showing me how to properly use a home as your house has been that of baptism's in your pool, a wedding in your back yard for our sweetly friend Maggie & Joe, holidays, bible studies, craft time and lastly a safe haven for each of your girls.
Anthony thank you for your support, your love, all the three way calls, for helping me with details and numbers and just literally allowing me to be free to take this step and loving me through this and walking this with me.
Thank you God!
Image via: Ashes and Snow
"Do one thing everyday that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt
Today is a big day, for me at least. I am closing on my first home. Late in life for many my age and a simple task for many, but for me a big deal. I am doing this from saving pennies on my own for a long while, and not from any inheritance, sugar daddy, or money tree, or gift except that of God...although it would be nice to have any of the three...smile. I am stronger from having to do it this way! In all of this I have kept an open hand to God, to place me in a home of His wishes and I promised to serve him in whatever way he wants me to. Like the image above, that is definitely how I have been trying to hear His quiet whisper. With an audible...."God I am listening are you there...insert gentle smile!" I felt him often saying in my heart, focus on the needs of others and serve them and I will work this out for you. So praying that I am diligent in serving. I wish for his will alone in this. I have prayed...sometimes honestly in fear, but work my way back to faith because that is where He wishes my heart to be and works his way in faith. I see in my heart and know that this will push me and grow me. For that opportunity alone is why I am excited about the house. The house will remain always His and I pray that I am a good steward with it as long as he wishes me there...and boldly have said "I would love to pay this off in 5 years!" So, quietly praying boldly all the while that I am making a wise decision and leaving it up to him and my work diligence for this dream and opportunity to work out well....Beautifully.
Mom thank you for just listening over and over and for dusting me off, smiling my way and for just being marshmallow (proud) of me. Thank you for showing me how to properly use a home as your house has been that of baptism's in your pool, a wedding in your back yard for our sweetly friend Maggie & Joe, holidays, bible studies, craft time and lastly a safe haven for each of your girls.
Anthony thank you for your support, your love, all the three way calls, for helping me with details and numbers and just literally allowing me to be free to take this step and loving me through this and walking this with me.
Thank you God!
Image via: Ashes and Snow