Live your life in such a way
that when your feet hit the floor
in the morning
Satan shutters and says....
Oh shit, she's awake!
My sister Kelly read me this quote to me this morning.
It made me smile big!
Yes, I said a cuss word, but it's okay sometimes.
Just me keeping it real with ya!
Trust me that this sweet girly that loves God has said much worse, but try to calm that part of me. Sometimes better than others, smile!
Yep, pinched myself, ouch that hurt, yes, in fact human!
{...Insert smile here!}
Sometimes, I have to be encouraged in a in your face kind of way.
Hope it makes you smile too!
Image via: Cig Harvey {love this photographers work!}
Kristin, I just BURST out laughing!! Then I read it to Neal who is in the kitchen! I LOVE this!! I want to print it out! Would it be wrong to carry it in my Bible? ;) Thanks for starting my day out with a big laugh and for reminding me of how to start! love it, love it, love it!
You just crack me up! I hope you always keep it real, cause you are such a keeper yourself.
Oh, yes....it made me smile big...REAL BIG!
Thanks for the reminder!
You are FABULOUS! I love love love this quote! Truly perfect~
Oh MY WORD! This is hysterical! I am planting that quote on my mirror at home!
Yep, this made me smile. Thanks
New here and I am cracking up!
I want to print it as well and put it next to my "Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks your an Asshole" sticker.
That really is an amazing quote. Love it!
Loved that quote. I may have to steal it. Thanks for the smile.
Watch out world when the 'Wohlust Women' know what they need to do!!
You are the best part of my day sometimes! Hope everyone gets a good belly laugh out of this one then shares it with someone who could use a BIG smile!!!
Luv ya!
Ok, I love it when EVERYONE keeps it real. No need not to cause He is always watching over me!
p.s. Barkley loves the quote by Farmhouse Chic. Typical guy, he also wanted to know who that was coming down the stairs...
you made me laugh. i needed. i love it. thank you.
That is a super quote!
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