It is raining today and I am smiling. I can honestly say I am excited about it!
If we had no rain, the sunshine would not be so pleasant:
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome.
-- Charlotte Bronte
You would not have heard that I enjoy the regular daily rain out of me even 6 months ago! I am not even kidding you! It used to make me feel trapped. If you have ever seen the movie Camelot, that is how I wished the rain to be. Rain all night, but give me sweet sunshine during the day, Amen.
I need sunshine like people need water. Some of you know what I am talking about!
However, this precious soul that I adore taught me to love rain and I should in many ways welcome it! I am grateful and would go sit in it now just because I think it would be wonderful, pure and cleansing! Certainly my hair would turn curly and make up would wash off, but I don't care!
Is it off in my personality to love the rain when it
thunders and lightning lights up the sky? HA!
I am just sayin!
If yes, I am so good with that as I so do. I always have liked that part of it.
Adventure girl I am and have always been!
In reflection of the rain to my life currently, there are many, many adversities and storms going on personally and professionally. Too crazy and numerous to name! I feel I am being stripped of who I am, as if rain washing all that I was and making me new and clean again. I feel like God is saying you can trust me with this Kristin. It feels as if God is asking me to take off the old wineskin and let him make me beautiful and strong in His way and give me beauty for ashes. This is very hard as we (I!!!) can hold onto old wineskins because they are familiar, even if not all good and even a detriment to our lives. I know he wants new wineskin and beauty for ashes for you too! He just works like that!
So God, today and every day forward, I give it all to you as I rest in your presence and be still and know that you are God! I am excited about this! No God, I don't want the pain, but if it takes that to grow into who you want me to be, I am willing. Thank you for forgiveness, shedding off fears and for giving me faith and tenacity to walk/run forward. Thank you for desiring to do something with this tattered up soul as mine. I hope I can be your kind of blessing to people through it. Oh, I pray I can be sunshine to people and sweet cleansing rain too...I just do! I am not where I was certainly however safe it looked, but through this walk see little glimmers of light and just good. For that I am grateful! AMEN!
A thought for your day and life....
God wants to surprise and bless you. Just like a surprise in our every day lives from a loved ones causes much delight and joy, making us feel special, God wants to surprise us with His goodness. When we take the time to realize the small surprises that show up in our lives, this will create an attitude of faith and joy. He even wants to take what seems to be a setback or distraction in our lives, and turn it around to bless us; surprising us!
The Scripture says in Deuteronomy 28, “If we will keep God first place, if we will walk in His ways, all these blessings will overtake us.” That means you won’t be able to outrun the good things of God. One translation of the word “overtake” means “to catch by surprise.” Our Heavenly Father wants to be good to us. He wants to amaze us with His goodness. We should get up every morning with the attitude, “I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!” And you may have had some victories in the past, but you haven’t seen anything yet; God is about to super size your dreams and surprise you by accomplishing more than you can ask or think.
The Scripture says in Deuteronomy 28, “If we will keep God first place, if we will walk in His ways, all these blessings will overtake us.” That means you won’t be able to outrun the good things of God. One translation of the word “overtake” means “to catch by surprise.” Our Heavenly Father wants to be good to us. He wants to amaze us with His goodness. We should get up every morning with the attitude, “I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!” And you may have had some victories in the past, but you haven’t seen anything yet; God is about to super size your dreams and surprise you by accomplishing more than you can ask or think.
Image: via Etiketter Devotion: J. Osteen
Dear, sweet Kristin, this blesses me SO today! I got teary eyed and I think I must print this out. You have no idea... Even if this was just for me! Love ya friend! xo
Kristin, you are so sweet, what a lovely post...so true. Stay strong darling...and sometimes when you least expect it you touch people's lives, as you did today with Lissa...doesn't that feel good? XO
Hi, I'm new! What a lovely passage and post... Thankyou for sharing your heart! You have a very wonderful blog!!
glad you're learning to love the rain
And I can't wait to see what wonder God is going to create in YOUR life. You are a beautiful God creation! And the best is truely yet to come for you.
My dear Kristin, so sorry to hear that you've been continuing to struggle.
It is definitely through the storm that we learn. I'm certain that God has great things in store for you. I am SURE of it.
SO glad you have the right attitude and are looking for those blessings that are gonna chase you down:) Loved this post!
You have no idea how much I needed to read this tonight! What a blessing! Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs and Prayers for you from me.
Kristin, your words are inspiring. You are a light to many women through this blog. You just keep giving it to God. He is always there to lead you. May you have a blessed day and many surprises to come!
What a beautiful blog you have, i have read for hours here now and i am so glad that i found this treasure of a blog! Your posts are "food" for both the eye and the soul, thank you so much for sharing..
I wish you a lovely weekend :)
Vibeke from Norway.
Hey Kristin. I am Mare-Elle from Estonia. I dont know how, but I just found your blog, its so interesting, so different...Well I just want so say, that I love your blog, its so real and pure. Thank you for good thoughts!:)
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