Oh my, I need a little Peace right here!

I ran across this image above and see me in it! I know that is both sweet, sad but true people.
Christmas~ like those wings on that dog, are on top of me! Tied to me none the less!!!!!
As if I cannot run and yes, I have that look on my face too!!!!! I won't lie to you. One year I bought a halo for my little dog Imrie to take a Christmas image. She would have nothing to do with it and was quite miffed with me! Oh, I would have been beside myself too! Smile!
I would love to be fake here, and gleam a pretty smile, possibly wink, offer you a warm Christmas cookie and tell you of my Christmas glory and that I am singing Fa, La, La...but it just is not true. I have done that each day...sing Fa, La, La that is, but moments in between that are in desperate need of a Silent Night and Peace! So real is what you get people. There is good in that too because it comes from a solid place that holds true joy! See below for Amy Grant's song, "I Need a Silent Night". Don't forget to pause the music at the bottom first pretty please.
I see my friend Lissa who has found beautiful and solid peace in the midst of a year that has been tender in hard but she is amazing and determined to walk with God and be at peace in here heart. I saw my life best friend Paige find peace through the holidays after her husband, Gregg died and every year after sitting in the presence of God with a grateful heart to shadow Christ's peace on and in her home and within her family and friends. She is always the woman to me that faces storms with grace and true. I have reflected and thought many times God give me that kind of grace that places my full hope in you my maker, my Christ and the lifter of my head that gives me solid to walk in. I saw and see both of these women take a beautiful stance at finding peace and their hope in their creator and lover of their souls. So much to learn from these two. Proverbs 31 women are they and they are to be called praiseworthy. Take a look at their blogs and find all kinds of hope in their words and Christmas peace in the beauty of decor.
From Paige's home.
Beautiful and yummy white, with hints of silver, green and tan their homes are. Both Paige and Lissa's hearts are each as beautiful!!! I am not just saying that! To me I just want to pack my bags and go to their homes and sit and gaze and find giggles too. They might find me there and come in from family stuff and there I will be snuggled on their couch gazing at the Christmas peace everywhere. I am just sayin Lissa and Paige, be warned, smile! I want to find that peace that I see in decor. I want to see that peace resides in my heart.
I have not blogged because of work, but also my heart that is trying to overcome much still and think how do I put you all through this silly mess. But stand true and keep it real I will. I will stand as Esther in the bible for such a time as this. I am such a glass half full, or so I thought about myself, but when truth smaks you in the face you gotta deal. I am bravely and hope God will find good in my soul for the journey. So I am facing my heart and truth brave and the beauty is finding not just God, but a real and authentic God that loves my soul and I would walk this journey again to find what I have found in Him! Things are no better in circumstance than they were in July, but what has changed is my complete trust in Christ. My complete surrender to the ONE that loves my soul and yours too!~ He is my all and to Him I will decorate. To him I will bow, and lift my hands and see the beauty in this season and really for once seeing what it is about. To him I will gaze and find peace and the reason for my hope the reason my my silent night. If my girls Paige and Lissa can do this no matter if present or in the past, for such a time as this I can too. So thank you Paige and Lissa my dear, precious friends for showing me it is possible. I am so very grateful for you both. I love you both so very much!
I pray if you are in the midst too that you just find some peace and a beautiful silent night!
Lastly I wish to post this.
My kindred friend Paige. Tender-hearted year for us, but the gift of her friendship is one of amazing to me and humbling to my heart as to what a true friend is. She has fought for our friendship and I am humbled by her grace and love towards me. Paige know this! She has walked my journey with me at times that I have been too private to share my tender heart about my circumstances. We have walked through so much in life together and she has been there. She has given me too many beautiful tangible gifts over the years that I wish I had a picture for each as they are always true gifts of the heart, wrapped beautifully each one, but this post would not end, but many times gifts too of allowing my heart space to work through my present circumstances that have gone on for years and for just being there. What has also never ended is this precious gift of a friendship and I am blessed by you and love you my dear, lifelong, tender and kindred friend.
I wish to also show you this. This is not a hey look at what I got. Please know in humbleness this. But a thank you to this girly that God knew we were just supposed to be friends.
My precious friend Lissa sent this beautiful package below to me. There is a CD too that goes with it but I have not taken it out of my car and it plays non-stop! Thank you Lissa for the box of Christmas cheer. From your heart beautiful and I am grateful! This picture does not do it justice. She even found a recipe card with a pink tractor on it in smiles to the fact that I learned to drive one on my mom's farm this year. Silly, brave, solid in heart and sweet girly is this Lissa!

Off to work and decorate in between (Keep that on the down~low will ya! wink!) today as I promised God I just would and will.
I pray your weekend Beautiful, Peaceful and Smile-filled!
I pray if you find yourself in this place too that you see that you in fact have Christ that will love your soul to the end and show you real and beauty in you that you did not know existed before. I pray you find your heart in that stable that beautiful night that our King gave us hope!
I promise to take images of my home once dusted with Christmas Joy!
Please forgive my lack of commenting too. I want to do this and have read your blogs late at night, but wanted my comments to make sense and be heartfelt as with lack of sleep the comments might just not make sense. Thank you for your grace in the midst of this.
Love, peace, hugs and silent night to you,
Real good friends are sometimes hard to find - but if they really are true - they'll work for the friendship to last. You are so blessed with these two girls :o)
Hope you'll find your Christmas Joy and get that Silent Night :o)
All the best - Toril!
Amen! Thank you for sharing! I'll meet you at Lissa's and we can hang out in her gorgeous house on that comfy looking white couch in a room that looks like it would be so peaceful and enjoy Christmas!!
Wishing you much peace and a multitude of Silent Nights! Hold dear to your heart those who you cherish and love because there are far and few in between!
oh goodness, if that isn't the sweetest thing i've ever heard, then i don't know what is.
thank you for always being my cheerleader & being a loyal friend.
you are walking the walk girlie.
& remember
always listen to your heart
& if things in your life start to drown out the tune
you just call one of us
& we'll sing it for you
love you sweet girl
Merry Christmas to you Kritin, thanks for this lovely post and for sharing your heart...may your weekend be filled with a little splash of christmas spirit and a big dose of rest! xo, Tara
You will triumph through your circumstance with just as much grace and determination as Paige and Lissa... I'm sure of it. Our God is a big God and he will deliver you.
Hope you get lots of rest this weekend. I can't wait to see your home:)
I'm sending you warm sunshine to light your day. i am so happy you have these 2 amazing friends in your life to lift you up and stand by your side. Know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers this Christmas wishing you joy!
first of all I love the picture of the dog so much! I would put it on my bulletin board! 2nd of all. It hurts my heart to think of you with a sad face. If you continue to listen to the Lord and obey there WILL BE so much JOY on the other side of his trial! and you know that you are welcome in my home ANY time! Any time... you hear me girly! I wish so much joy for you this season! And I can't wait to see your decorating! Have fun doing it this weekend. I'm so glad you like your box of goodies!
Sending you love and wishes for real peace and joy..you are so busy..sleeping on the wood floor? Oh my gosh, put some more pillows and soft things there..that would kill me! Christmas is nearly here..enjoy! :D
What great friends!
Heart warming post.....thanks and Have a wonderful Christmas!!
Lissa and Paige are wonderful, beautiful women. I adore their blogs. What I also know is they adore you as well. We are going to soar in 2010. I have just started to trust in The Lord and I think next year at this time we will both look back in amazement at how far we have come. My Chirstmas wish for you in the Peace you seek and deserve. It's in your heart, just BE STILL and listen.
Sending you a big hug and lots of love, and a sprinking of some of the PEACE I've found.
Sweet hugs to you my tired but blessed friend. I pray for you every single day!
P.S. Your music is so wonderful...I am letting it play while I address my Christmas cards:)
Wow! What an honest and heart felt entry. I loved it. When I see your face I see such a beautiful spirit! I have always found in life that I have more when I give what I have away. Praying for you that missing Peace!
Hugs from Poland,
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