Thursday, August 12, 2010

{Thank you Daddy}

Have you used one to say 'thank you?'
 -- William A. Ward
This made me think. Have I? Thanked Him that is? I know I need to, so I best get to it and quickly. Deal?! I pray that I do not offend anyone by saying my prayer here. I just want to have a thankful soul as I go forward in this day, one that is willing you know?!
This not going to be eloquent, but God knows the deep of my heart. Some of it He smiles to, other parts of my soul I am certain he says, "Oh my that is messy, eeek, ouch that hurt...Bless Her!" You who know me know the very human in me. But I desire really not to be human! But oh my I AM, human that is. So because I know all to well the mess of me, I desire to have my eyes turned towards Him, to be simply obedient to the one who gave me amazing. I want to be one that finds great delight in serving Him, not in a religious way at all, but in a very tender, cool {yes I said cool}, real relationship walking, running, or even patiently sitting still with God in a way that allows somehow beyond the stubborn and feisty in me to shine his light through me without my having to say one word. Well I can be wordy, wordy, wordy {wink}, so maybe a few.
God says: "Well then, Kristin, I love you but we have some work ahead of us!" 
Oh my!
And I say "OK God". Let's get to it....I am willing! 
From me to God today.
Hi God, 
It's me...your girl, you child, you princess~wanna~be in your court that loves you...or tries her best to. 
Thank you God for my life, for the breath's I breathe, for the ability to learn and serve and grow in my soul. Thank you for the little seconds that I seem to take for granted and use unwisely. Thank you for my people that love me well, I pray they know their value in my eyes and that I love them right back. Thank you Lord for even the hard moments that make me and mold me into the woman you would have me be. I pray I learn to make even those moments bless you well. God, I pray to serve you well today in the light and in the dark. Please forgive me for moments in the dark that I sin or hurt another. Thank you for being right there even in those times to change my heart for the betterment of your people. Please use me as your vessel to shine radiant into the hearts of your people. I pray I honor you with my time, thoughts actions and and words. I pray I bless you back so big that heaven can feel your smile. I pray that each person that comes across this blog if at all today, that they will feel you and know that you just simply love them well and all the way through no matter what. I pray they know my care for them too. Help me to know how to bring light to them. Thank you for you GOD! I love you!
~ And all God's children and well this child of yours says a great AMEN!
Praying each of your days bright and beautiful. So please go Shine BRIGHT today!
Image via: Juliet's Journal


Tiffany said...

Your prayer certainly didn't offend me!

Nancy said...

Prefection! This is an amazing post and I feel you. I sometimes wonder why would God care about a big ole mess like me... BUT, HE does. Thank you for that beautful reminder. You, my friend, have touched my heart and soul. Our Big Daddy is so proud of you.
much love

Farmgirl Paints said...

I love that you pray out loud on your blog. Bring it!