Life is beautiful people.
Seriously, it really is.
Please know that I am not just throwing happy words, positive quotes,
or bible verses out to the world through this blog often
because I am all about the thought of...
If you think Positive well, you can BE Positive.
It's not that easy.
But, I do believe and learning daily that the words we think and speak make a difference.
I have known people through life that have walked through really hard challenges.
Visibly there was this sustainable twinkle in their eyes. Each person's joy, peace, demeanor and solid trust
were unmoved by their circumstances. I am certain they had moments of heartache, or frustration.
However, it is how they faced their storms with this brave faith and this positive light
that has always struck me as amazing.
I would state out-loud no less, "How do they do this? I think that is Amazing."
I think God heard me say this and is showing me how to stand solid in peace through any storm.
Just saying be careful what you might ask God, because God has a keen sense of hearing! :)
I think, why have this blog, or do this life if you can't make another smile,
or see and encourage the good I see in another in real life? Or seriously, just be real enough
in the face of my hardships to
make another see and know that they can have courage too?
I just know from life hitting hard that it is possible to think intentionally
beyond how we feel, or find funny and good courage in the midst of what we
wished looked differently in life circumstances.
Pain or Joy is no respecter of persons. (No news flash here!)
So, choosing Faith and Hope in the midst of either pain or joy is worth a go don't you think?
As I finished writing those words above, I thought of something
that has affected my thoughts this week.
I watched this interview and
much of what Tim Tebow said has held my thoughts in how I live my life, or wish to earnestly.
Why was I watching this video you might ask?
I really like watching sports, not that I always understand every detail, but I want to.
As I do this I get the added benefit of learning and understanding the intricacies
of what I have seen others spending time yelling I know you too have seen this. Or, are you a yeller too?
No, I have never yelled at a TV like I have seen many doing watching sports (lol),
but will tell you that I have my favorites that I might give a shout out quietly
with just a smile or quiet "What in Sam-Hill?-Rrrrrr!",
and would like to have enough understanding to have a reason to yell if I wanted to.
I'm just saying to yell at the TV might be cathartic! :)
Here is the interview below of Tim Tebow. Yes, it is worth the watch.
(To watch, please turn off the music below prior to hitting play.)
I hope you find so many reasons to hold solid hope and just good in your moments!
I pray and hope that your week is so full of success that you have to do a double take
to make certain it really happened and say well,
"This life really is beautiful!" with a grateful smile that comes from deep within you
and shines something so amazing, so another can see it and do the same."
That sounds sappy I know, but I mean it!
Trust me, I know this to be true from experiencing some of my
very own hard journey's in life. I just do!!!!!!!
Smiles can happen.
No matter what, they just can.
Have an amazing week!
Image: Hummm...I wish I knew? Video: Fox News