I love poppies because they are always looking up. That is just the attitude we all should take. Move up towards God's light, so His light can brighten us and show off His shine!
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Philipians 4:13.
It makes one realize that if they give God thier talents and take steps that God will just give us what we need in that moment to move foward. No matter the task. Believing that for my day in all of it's busy tasks. My wish for you as well today is that you just believe that God is real and that He really can accompish so much though us if we just, well, BELIEVE.
I went to Starbucks this morning on my way in and was quite focused on getting to work to accomplish my goals. I was standing behind a lady that was telling her friend that she was going to Emory at Scottish Rite to visit a family that has a little girl there. It made me realize that there is just so much going in the world outside of our tasks, no matter how BIG they seem. I should know this after all I have seen in life. So, my prayer today is for that little girl. I pray for her health and that God just wraps His arms around her and brings her healing and peace and bring her family members sweet peace too. I pray they will look up towards him and allow God to shine his glory all over them.