Friday, June 29, 2007

Glad it is Friday

Image of Hammock on Richard Branson's resort that I found in a magazine. Still waiting for the invite from him and his wife! I am not certain his values, but I think it would be incredibly inspiring to go over creative ideas with him. I am in awe of his, one can dream and make it happen attitude.
I am so very glad it is Friday! Actually, I wish I was on this hammock above with the breeze gently moving and that smell of the ocean that I adore. Back to reality! Most of the month of June, Friday's are just another day when working through most weekends, but there is still something about Friday's that I just love. So, cheers to Friday's and a blissful and wonderful weekend. Okay, so much work to do! Funny, I told my friend Paige that I was going to hide in one of her suitcases as she, her sweet hubby Dan and their four girls are headed to Seaside, Florida for fourth of july week. She always comes back home with fun stories and amazing pictures of her girls. Oh well, time is ticking in my day, so back to work I go and back to a grateful heart that I have a job! I promise however to get to the beach in Mexico or Jamaica before the end of summer and get some sand between my painted toes!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

One of the Seven Wonders - The Taj Mahal

Jill Floyd at the Taj Mahal one of the Seven Wonders.
Jill is not only a co-worker, but a dear friend. She is quite the inspiration to more people than just myself. The girl runs ULTRA marathons for goodness sake and not just one in a year, but many. At times the ultra marathons are 50 mile trail runs that have been at times uphill and has been known to run two marathons in one weekend. I think that is more than I run a month, and I consider myself a! My running efforts are quite funny in comparison, so it is quite humbling to hear about her running accomplishments. She went to work on a client project with the company I work for in Dubai and decided to visit a friend in India. First of all, how wonderful would it be to go to Dubai? Okay, I have gone on trips to Jamaica and Mexico by myself (Quite enjoyable beach scenes every time. I did not fear a moment of being there, alone.). However Jill, just goes and gets a driver to take her to Taj Mahal alone. So, I am just proud of Jill for never backing down to challenges and beating even her own expectations and for venturing out to see parts of the world alone most would not wander with a crowd. I also think it is pretty great that her great friend and husband, Ken would just support her and champion her forward to take on challenges as he gently cheers her on. She only has 5 more Wonders of the 7 to go check off her list (she has been to the Grand Canyon already...check!). I am looking forward to seeing them all happen for her in the future.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Gentle Amazing Blessing

Proud parents Hunter and Lauri and
their now daughter, Haley Anastasia Lambeth.

These three sweeties are now legally a family of three.
What Lauri wrote is sweet, so it would be so much better coming from her. To see all the updates:
It has just been such an honor to watch this journey from afar and to see how they have just taken steps of faith. Goodness, I pray that the journey only gets better from here. Amen.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Blessing Found!

Hunter, Lauri and little girl makes 3.
Just a quick update. Hunter and Lauri are still walking through the process and are able to visit their little girl two times a day at the orphanage while they get through what seems a long paperwork process. Lauri seems to be learning the alphabet and language quickly. They are going to just be wonderful parents. Such a long journey (years and years) to here for them and I couldn't be more thrilled for them. They are still in the figuring out a name that suits her well. Just wanted to share a sweet moment of them.
To see all the updates:

Have great weekend.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Paris in the Springtime

I had a rough morning this morning. My Mom called me singing “I love Paris in the spring time”. I wish I could tape her singing the song and place it on my phone as a ring tone. It was so gentle and sweet and just made me smile.
So, today that is what I am thankful for. For sweet phone calls from someone I hold dear in the midst of a hectic life. My sweet Mon Amié (my friend in french and what I have called her for well over a decade) is my precious friend beyond her being my Mom. How lucky and grateful am I!

Lambeth Adoption Journey

Hunter and Lauri Lambeth
Friends of mine have traveled to Kiev in hopes of adopting a child. This has been such a long process for Hunter and Lauri. I just thought I would post their blog in hopes that you might check it out and send a prayer or two their way.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Kelley and Romero

A dear friend of mine is getting married on Saturday night. Kelley Cole. She is beautiful not only on the outside, but is gracious, incredibly funny, smart, a friend to many and leader in the community. We have been friends for years now, but it has always seemed like I knew her before life. Just one of those kind of friends that you may not talk with often, but when you do you just pick up where you left off as if no time has passed. She like me has waited a long time to marry and from what I hear from others, Romero was made just for her as a soul mate and best friend to walk through this journey of life with. I am just thrilled for her and just wish her and Romero an amazing and happy ever after!

Courage and Wisdom!

Ashes and Snow Image

Have the courage and the wisdom and the vision to raise a definite
standard that will appeal to the best that is in man, and then strive
mightily toward that goal.

-- Harold E. Stassen