Raegan Audrey Hearn - 10/04/06 - 09/17/07. You are still a shining bright light. My friend, Angie and her husband Don's little girl Raegan passed away in a sudden tragedy and she went quickly to heaven into the arms God. She was named after Angie’s mom’s middle name, Rae. I always just loved her name. Your Mommy and Daddy love you most, but over the week I found that you were endeared and loved by many. So many stories of you and all included smiles of your joy. I used to tell Angie that Raegan was just this light that made everyone's face bright when you walked into her presence. Like this "Hi, and welcome, we have missed you so, and have happily been waiting for your company!" She had sweet, big blue eyes like her Daddy and amazing beauty inside and out like her Mommy. My heart is so broken for this family and I just wish I knew what to do to bring this little light back into her Mother's arms to sing songs to and bring back Raegan's smile to Don's heart. Please pray for my dear friends Angie and Don as they walk through one of the hardest experiences in life. Please pray as I and so many walk along their side, that God will use us somehow to be a vessels of strength for them and know what to say or do to comfort their hearts in some way and truly listen and pray for them. I love these people and I just love little Raegan very much and we will all miss her until we see her in heaven. Until then, shine on Raegan, shine on! You are and will always be your Mommy and Daddy's beaming light and as they said to you in a note, "Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we are blowing you kisses! Please blow God a kiss for us!"
In short, cherish your people and love them big. Don't take a moment of life for granted because it is but a whisper.
i know your tender heart is just broken in two for angie.
i can't even imagine her pain, her grief.
know that the lord has sent you as a vessel to just love on her & minister to her....what you do best.
hugs my friend
What a beautiful little angel. I will pray for the family. Found you through Paige's blog.
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