We have very little, so we have nothing to be
preoccupied with. The more you have, the more
you are occupied, the less you give.
But the less you have, the more free you are.
-- Mother Teresa
Quite true. Before this home I honestly did not focus so much on me and the conviction of my heart over having something, some place to occupy my thoughts, words and time. Trying to move my focus. I often think, "What is wrong with you Kristin?" If one thing is true about me is the fact that I hate gloating and the..."Look at me, look at me, you should be looking at me and all I get and have." attitude. I get so very ruffled when I see it in others and quite honestly, it has bothered me because I have seen hints of it in myself lately. Yuck!
Forgive me as I learn to focus on others needs, but be quietly thankful for the talents and blessings you have given me and be a bit more lighthearted and openhanded with both. How I wish to use both for the good and delight of others.
Being a cheerful giver.
“Let each one give as he purposes in his heart,
not grudgingly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7)
Just good for me to think about. I wasn't sure how I would be in this new home. Would I be territorial? Would I be all about making it beautiful since I have this insatiable appetite for architecture and home design and have saved articles and images in volumes of binders and on my computer as to how I would decorate for years? Or, would I keep it in a gently open hand for God to use as he pleases. I pray the last! I
wanted to say humbly, blessed am I that God has been able to somehow get into my heart and kept those feelings a little at bay. I am so thankful for that and wanted to state my thanks out-loud. So thank you God for helping me keep a healthy perspective on what matters. Love pouring into people and just laughter that makes this home lovely. Thank you for convicting my heart and please forgive me when I fall on my face or desire to wish my house perfect and beautiful and get to navel gazing. Thank you for trusting me enough to make me a steward over your home. That's all. Just thanks.

Image by
Cig Harvey (Reminds me of my just being quiet talking to God time in the bathtub at night. Okay, okay, I have cut bath time almost completely out because of our water situation! ). I also do not wear that pretty shower cap, but you get the picture....smile!
My own quiet whisper back to God. My precious Daddy/Father in Heaven, I come before you and work in diligence to give you all that I am. I pray that in the quiet of my heart that my thoughts, words and actions, be pleasing to you. May I be a cheerful giver and not reside in selfishness, but grow my passion for you to a greater cause for your world out of my love for you. I pray you to continue to work out in my heart to be a vessel that is used as an incredibly bright light for your kingdom and your people. I pray that the shine is on you. May my actions for you speak louder than any words I have to offer. Amen
Have a blessed and smile filled Wednesday!