"The mouth of the righteous (woman) utters wisdom
and (her) tongue speaks what is just.
The law of God is in (her) heart;
and (her) feet do not slip."
Psalm 37:30, 31

I wanted to say thank you to these two women of strength that
surround me with true, smiles, God, whole and just peace in every way!
Peyton Grace to my left and My Mom (Monamie) to my right in the image above.
As of late, I owe both of you my heart and more thank you's than could fill the sky with stars
for helping me turn tears to diamonds of smiles, find God and get this very solid strength and
sweet rest for ones days!
When I see this picture I see Cold Mountain Girl Brave! That is what we women tall and not so tall call ourselves in my family! A "can-do" attitude you must have to survive in my family!
I see survivors! I see amazing and true strength in every way!
I love you two so very much and am blessed by you in words I cannot explain.
so glad each of you has the other!
Lovely pictures- Great blog - love the music nice and relaxing
Have a great day!
So glad you have such a great support system. You look beautiful in the photo by the way. What a pretty lady:)
Very nice blog
Atzoletakis Agapitos from Creece.
There is nothing stronger than the bond of women!
Happy week to you...
Beautiful blessing to be surrounded by such strength, love and support!
mwahh right back at ya,
P.S. I forgot to tell you that I received your AWESOME comment on my blog... about working together and creating amazing things...I'd do it in a heart beat... anytime! pink hammers and linen aprons... we would sell with a smile and enthusiams people couldn't stay away! :)
You are so beautiful! I love your comment "I hope your week is perfect enough to bring smiles and imperfect enough to bring you God and all that is true."
Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful post! Thanks for the inspiration!! Love the images with "Wide Open Spaces". So great together!!! xxx kim
Your thoughts are just BEAUTIFUL when you put them into words! I always SMILE after reading your posts. You are a beautiful soul!
Amy Rose
Love that verse!
I am doing a campaign to raise money to mount a minibiblioteca Community and other activities for children and adolescents in my community here in Rio de carente janeiro.Cansei to wait until today that the government or asphalt placed, children may not be so abandonadas.Preciso the aid of all people of good heart. I ask only that I send a letter to A $ 20.00, or 5.00 euros in. This money will be used for purchase of books, shelves, tables, chairs, baskets Basic (food), etc.Quem can help me send me an email to: asilvareis10@gmail.com, I give the address for shipment. May God protect us all.
love all the wonderful bible verses you fit into your blog....
Awww- thanks for the sweetness in my inbox today! Your comment was so sweet and I appreciated hearing it so very much!!
so happy you have such an awesome support over there! Beautiful picture also!
Hello Kristin, Keep on to these...women of all ages and thoughts of all times and continents...So glad that you still have your mother...give her my love from across the oceans and seas, will you. Bless you
Godeliva van Ariadone
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Beautiful Blog! I absolutely love the pictures, and the comments connected are so encouraging. Stay strong. You're in my prayers. You now have a follower for life! :) May we all have faith, hope and love.
- Amanda of Apple Guardians.
What would life be without friends/sisters/mothers that lift us up when we can't stand?
You know...you are one BEAUTIFUL girl! I love that strong verse that you picked...amazing.
Praying that the Lord strengthen you and give you His peace. That His face shine upon you!
i just came across your blog for the first time, what a lovely post. i am so happy to have read that.
You are so beautiful and I am glad that GOD has surrounded you with strong women to uplift you. I really hope you are okay...Even though you look beautiful in this image...you look forlorn. I am concerned. Praying for you.
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