Because everyone needs a little SugarBoo for life..and for your walls. {Ahem!}

I love this sign above! Just a good way to live a life!
I was at the Atlanta Merchandise Market this weekend for their March Show.
It brought concern to the economy still. I mean I am used to going to market
and getting hit in the heels with those crazy wheel cart deals buyers use
or getting ready to pass out in a elevator for all the people but my sister, Gretchen,
Mom and I always find giggles in those elevators. No, we are not right!
But my family will always find laughter in hard. It is just the way we are with one another.
Or, I am speaking and outloud...
the economy is on its way to better stage!
Just sayin.
On the good side, it was as if we had the Mart to ourselves in a way.
So many pretties to fill my mind with creative ideas,
so many companies of ideas that we came up with that we best get started!
Also, so many yummy lovelies, I know wish to fill my home with all the way to beautiful.
It was just a really good day with laughter even over hard life stuff!
It was one of those days that I looked back and thought, what a solid-good day!
I love that with my family that we can find our way to smiles, always.
Not to mention that each person in my family is very creative,
Get us in the room together....the ideas/inspiration goes wild and it is perfect.
I love that!
It was just cool in there as we kept stating to one another...
"Read this one, no read this one!"
And I know many of you already have some Sugarboo in your home and you should!
We just would smile, and Ohhh, or a giggle would happen when we did this.

I have loved quotes since I was a little girl.
Seems they help at times to put a little joy in my soul on any given kind of day.
Just good sometimes to put a little extra sunshine and a great smile in one's soul.
Ok that along with prayer and surrender.
I left with the thought....
ahem...silly me!
But...SugarBoo did and I think they are great!
Out of all the Showrooms this one impacted me the most.
I am a quote girl after all!
Just something good and I thought I would share.
Here are a few others too... Enjoy
This on "Adored" below was one of many words you could hang randomly on a wall to say something cleaver in sugary sweetness. I purchased one of these a while back that states "SUNSHINE" it is in my kitchen and I love it!

Yes my friends...pillow quotes too!

Oh and I will do just as this quote reads.
Smile to the sky and say mwah, thank you for blessing me big!
In the midst of whatever my life is doing, I try to say this now too!
and I always loved this song.
Hoping you Monday rest of the day, well Perfect
and go and find you some will make your heart sing and smile!