Happy Birthday Kelly, sister of mine. How did we go from this to 43 and 45 so very quickly! Oh me, oh my. But, lucky you, you were only without me for 2 years of your life, but God knew you needed me, so there you have that! Tee hee hee! So, if you would humor me for a minute there is much I wish to say before we are 120 and 122.
I would...
....bake you tiramisu cupcakes on your birthday and top each one with a gentle wish.
...tell you that you are so smart and use that talent as you just are a natural born entrepreneur.
...tell you that you smile through your eyes and that it is infectious in making others smile.
...tell you that you are bold and often in situations I say to myself "How would Kelly handle this?" and then proceed.
...tell you that your Mom when asked by me always says you were just beautiful.
...tell you that you are stronger than you know and that I appreciate how much you love your children.
...tell you that you never give up in trying to be the most amazing wife to R.J.
...tell you thank you for always being protective of me and dusting me off when needed.
...tell you that you were right every now and again..., smile.
...tell you that you find green things amazing and can grow them just like your Mom, as you twirl your plants around your yard until you find the prettiest and most healthy spot for them to thrive.
...tell you that I love to watch you laugh and dance at your son's football games.
...tell you that spending quality time with you is like curling into a soft quilt with many amazing colors and even sometimes like great fireworks.
Lastly, I would just come and sit beside you and tell you that I too, along with Mom think you are just beautiful and think you are pretty wonderful, or pretty and wonderful. I love that we are now great friends. Happy full of sparkly-wonder-full-of-delight, Birthday to you! Know I love you. xo, me
Do just once what others say you can't do,
and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.
-James R. Cook