What you all are to me....

Sometimes God sends the brilliant light of a
rainbow to remind us of his presence, lest we forget in our
personal darkness His great and gracious
promises to never leave us alone
- Verdell Davis
There are these blogs out there that bring me smiles so big!
I didn't want to just send an award as that doesn't hit to the heart of
what you all are to me either by way of friendship, or just pure inspiration and smiles!
You inspire me...
You make me smile or just laugh-out-loud because we should...
You warm my heart on a rainy day...
You make me feel like I can do anything...
You help me see color.....
You bring me closer to our creator, God...
You make me want to be a better me and a better giver...
Or, make me want to get a tattoo....with a bible verse of course, wink!
You make me want to sit on a sidewalk with you and drink ice tea and have laughter...
You show me I can have faith and fly...
You truly inspire me and warm my soul...
So to each of you I thank you for all the wonderful you bring to my life!
I am so very blessed by you!!!!!
The closest thing to me besides my family and fiancé ~ my life long, kindred friend is she.
We have walked though life's joys and tears with one another,
though not always perfect by any means, but we try and that matters. A rare find in life.
She taught me how to find grace in the midst of life challenges by her walk, not by words.
Her heart and love for God, her husband, family and friends is evident in every beautiful word she writes and she is a bright light to many.
To be in her in-person company one smiles much, and giggles with her girls too.
Her home is yummy like the best creamy dessert! You would not want to leave!
Her gift for photography and catching emotion of her girls
within an image, well, we all know this as amazing! She is extremely creative!
Her ability to find laughter with me no matter what, or just a gentle heart
that is rich in her soul, is my blessing! For that I am grateful.
She is your blessing too. Love you girly, I just do!
Lissa, you call me and well, everyone to a better self.
I love Jesus more in a real way because of you.
You are just part of all of us and I am blessed to call you my close and very dear friend.
Your taste in home delights that echos mine! Sometimes exactly, smile!
You Lissa, have a love for God that just shines always. Girly, God is going to show something so precious and amazing though you that it will change the hearts of many. You wait and see. What she offers just as a person - Amazing. She is just warm and funny and real. I love being real in her phone company and love to laugh-out-loud with her!
Lissa you are in every way as we say in the
South..., precious-darlin but with a solid strong/brave/courage added too!
This girly is the other Beth Moore in her writings.
Sometimes when reading her blog I will say audibly, "Ok God, I get it!"
She is Lissa's precious sister - So yes, there are two precious-darlin's out there!
I am closer to God because of her. Who wouldn't be after reading her blog!
What God is going to do in this world through
her will be amazing. Not just in her writing,
but I hear her singing is powerful too, so watch out world!
Please go visit her blog. You will be blessed in an amazing way!
If you do not know this blog or girl, you should. Her taste is impeccable and her love for God is amazing. Everyday Charmaine you are an inspiration to my work, and my soul.
So glad to find you and love getting to know you!
Yes, you better visit if you come to Atlanta!

Tara - Blondie "N" SC
She is personal to me when I read her blog,
as if she was a friend as a little girl that I played hopscotch with,
and we reconnected somehow and said to one another
"We are so much fun, how did we loose touch with one another?"
So glad to be back in touch with you Tara, if just through reading your blog, smile.
Love everything about your real and true that you write within your blog.
I find a smile always on her blog beyond all the beautiful. Kasey thinks and writes in a funny wit that is like no other. I don't have words other than to say, we all love you! You know we do!
Girly the inspiration here is endless, you have such a warm and calm heart and you make a girl want a pretty garden and to just walk with you as you find inspiration for your beautiful images you take, or just be the kind of friend back to you that you are to so many!
Dita-precious and beautiful, beautiful soul. You all should know this girl. Besides her beautiful family that is gorgeous because they are, well beautiful, Dita shines goodness and a pure heart!
Love her like a friend that just has always known my soul and gives me hope.
I hope I can give you that much goodness right back your way!
This girly shares her soul and her real, her God, her family, her passion for art
and her friendship to all. Gentle soul is she. I love her smile and her open heart, period!
What is there not to say about her blog. Love it here everyday and just
feel like I know her. Please don't miss out on her blog because it is an amazing find,
but her soul is precious and lovely!
Daisy -Daisy Pink Cupcake
While the world goes white this girl shows me color.
Her blog makes me smile big and brings inspiration to my day.
Why I get a sense of calm from this girl no matter what. I think I could go to this girls house and just have a nice glass of red wine, walk her garden and just talk about simple or something of smile nature and it would all just be good. A lovely soul is she!
My Precious Friend you are! Beyond her Seaside yummy taste she is showing
each of us how to be BRAVE and walk in faith. She is a light with a strong soul.
I am honored to have her as my friend.
Just everything is yummy here!
Best for last. My Mom- Susan, Sister-Gretchen and Niece-Peyton Grace.
My Mom writes this blog for their new business/farm called "Sweet Grace Farms".
This magical place will hold children's gardens to beautiful weddings and more creativity that will be amazing! You haven't seen her creativity yet people.
It is likened to Martha Stewart meets Shabby Chic on steroids!
No I am not kidding you!
I am so proud of these women and love them.
My Mom is "My Person" and inspiration in this life to be all I can be for God, for others and that nothing is impossible. Nothing!
She loves white as much as she loves color...
...Both are her heart if you could see inside.
She is the best person I have ever known in this life and I love her.
Gretchen is a dreamer and a it can happen it just will kind of girl. She makes me giggle, she helps me grow and believe in big dreams too with her, why not thoughts! Love her smile and her soul I do! So glad you are my sister and friend!
Peyton Grace - So many words, but simply she
makes my soul shine like the best day of one's life!
There are so many more. I can go on and on. Truly I can, from
Kim at Three Peanuts to
Anne from Annechovie to
Lisa from Long Road to China. Kim, what a beautiful Mamma and soul is she! Lisa is one of the kindest and most welcoming people you will ever meet, as I was fortunate enough to meet in person and an amazing photographer. Anne a painter with words in comments that sound like how an angel would talk to one's soul.
Don't think I don't have many more fav's to shine a big light on and post. I will soon!
I wish to tell each of you that I adore you. How many times did I say...precious soul is she? I mean that about each of you! I thank you for making me so much more richer in every aspect. Goodness, if I could gift each of you with a million blessings and smiles I just would! God did amazing when he created each of you and I am blessed!
I have yet to post my fav's in Norway. An amazing treasure there and will post all soon! You too will love each of these girls and the amazing they have to offer. You just will.
Image of hand with starfish via: I don't know where I found it, but think it is beautiful.
Wish I did. If you know, let me know so I can post!