I love laughter!
I ran across this picture this morning and just smiled through my eyes kind of smile.
No, I do not know this little boy, but I like him...a lot!
His soul shines and I identify with that kind of laughter of a soul that longs to
laugh out loud until my tummy and smile almost hurts.
I don't know about you, but I love to walk life with
friends that even in the hardest of circumstances can pray and
can laugh and I mean laugh hard in a real kind of way.
Nothing fake allowed here!
{This picture is from a little while back but know that this is what souls shining looks like.}
My life long best friend {pictured second to the right, Paige} and I laughed like this just yesterday over a situation.
Or, she prayed over me quietly and then laughed along
with me over a challenge concerning me being all bold and brave
as well as my silliness in the face of something that hit hard on my heart
and found frustration to the challenge in me that I did not like
...but the laughter between us was good!
I realize I am human, in every way, but grace is more
than enough to subside any imperfection in any of us.
I know God finds much good in my being thankful
for this amazing life He has given each of us and looking
expectantly for a future to be a great blessing only to find we are indeed blessed.
So....I did something to look expectantly for good
and be thankful and just submit my heart that felt the right to be sad or angry
in the midst of life situations...
{The sky at 6am this morning was gorgeous!}
I snuggled in and slept on my twin bed swing...under the stars and
counted my blessings...every one of them.
At 2AM....I stopped and really looked at the stars and their vastness
to find the sky was so beautiful and filled with gentle sweet peace.
...and I am thankful and peace-filled again!
Have you ever slept under the stars? It is amazing!!!!!!
So to your weekend I am throwing to you....
1. Soul Shine as if glitter falling all over you and goes deep to the marrow of your core.
...That is deep people. It can't be dusted off that deep, so don't even try!
2. . Big Smiles! You know, the kind of smile that come through your soul,
through your eyes and they twinkle.
3. Memories of Laughter! The kind of laughter that you laugh so
very hard that your smile almost hurts and tears fall for that of great joy!
4. Peace and a thankful heart! No matter your day or what hardship you might face.
Grace is more than enough to find peace within you.
Please know I walk this road too with a heart that my creator is transforming
to good and right and true, only to find His Grace and Peace right in the center.
Make your moments count please and let your heart rest!
I know I want that for me today...and will find it! I am just saying
I will seek it like a butterfly drawn to light!
Hopefully make someone shine in smiles too!
And all God's children said thank you and....AMEN!!!!!!