Last night American Idol touched my heart so to the point of tears and in truth, anger as well over how we are not quickened by action to save, nourish and love, but worry more about our own selfish desires! It was even better that my kindred friend felt the same in being touched by this show event. It has always been my hearts desire to adopt an "It's a small world after all" and be a Mom to kids that need love. I wanted to immediatly board and plane and go and adopt these children or lend a hand or just something to wipe a tear, bring a smile and bring some solace to their hurt. I received this verse, thought and prayer from heartlight this morning and see that God does know and is truly still the father to the fatherless! I pray that it moves my heart to action. We are so blessed and I ask forgiveness for my selfishness.
But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to
take it in hand. The victim commits himself to you; you are the
helper of the fatherless.
-- Psalm 10:14
Just as God saw the plight of the Israelites in Egypt and heard
their cries for help, he still sees and hears today. But now, he
hears not only because he is omnipotent; he hears also because of
the intercession of his Son and our Savior, Jesus. Jesus has been
here. Jesus has faced the specter of death and the pain of torture
and ridicule. Jesus means God not only hears our cries for help; he
also feels the agony with us. That is why he came. He is our
assurance that God feels, cares, acts, and ultimately saves.
God, Father and Savior, please be with those who are bearing the
incredible weight of agony and pain. Some of these I know and pray
for personally. Others I do not know, but they still need your
comfort, strength, and grace to sustain them in their days of agony
and grief. Please bless them with clear evidence of your care. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.