My Birthday Blessings. Instead of the sheer panic of my birthday in the next couple of days, I am trying to really rest and be happy about it. There is so much I have to be grateful for instead of focusing on dreams not yet fulfilled, or mistakes of decisions that I have made in the past of yesterdays that I can't get back. How blessed am I and happy to still be on God's green earth and smile.
• My relationship with Christ and the fact that he chooses to love me over and over again. That amazes me.
• My health - I always say if you don't have your health you don't have anything and I must state that I am so very grateful for excellent health for me, my family and the people I love and care about. I pray that will always be my praise. The ability to walk, talk, think and have all of my faculties at 100%, learn, see, hear, dance and sing. For that I am ever grateful.
• My Family - They are the sweetness in my life and the people I share true joy with. Thank you for your honesty and laughter and truth and always just being there. For all of these things I have grown in character and can love bigger because of you. I love each of you dearly.
My Mom - Beyond Family I don't have words of what you mean to me. You are my friend and my joy. I admire you so. Thank you for bringing me into this world, teaching me so much, and just being my friend.
Anthony - Your sheer humor, honor, your always unconditional friendship, long intelligent talks, hide and seeks with Peyton Grace and for always finding a way to make me smile and loving me anyway.
Peyton Grace - You just make me be a better person. I am so very blessed to know your 6 year old fun, smart, life loving, full of giggles soul.
• My Long life friends - Thank you for walking through this amazing journey of life along with me, come what may. Each of you make even life storms have hope of sunshine.
Paige - What do you call someone that you have been through a life long journey of intense pain and amazing joy with and still be true friends. So thank you to you Paige, my creative, silly, life long friend.
• My Job and ability to use my talents - Where else can you work that you get to experience clients and projects like Tiffany & Co., Godiva chocolate and Starbucks all in the same day?
• My Country - I love the twinkles of Paris, but to you I will always honor and show my allegiance. Thank you for giving me the ability to love God freely, learn and live a happy life without delegation.
• My life and all the hope of just being grateful for this sweet life and moments that take my breath away!

Birthday and the Beach. I am not headed to this particular beach in Jamaica this weekened, but a beach none the less for a fun filled birthday weekend near Seaside. Looking forward to getting my toes in the sand and just reading a book or two, giggle and just being able see the ocean and smell the salt in the air and resting for a moment!
Images: Masha Illustration and Jamaica image (Where we would be had we gotten the passport situation worked out!).